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Warunki bonusu.
1. This promotion is only available for newly 24winbet customers who make their first deposit in the Sportsbook account from 1 st February 2012 to 31 st December 2012 (23:59:59 GMT)
2. Welcome Sports Bonus doubles your first deposit up to €150 (or currency equivalent).
3. To apply for this promotion your first deposit must be a minimum of €20 (or currency equivalent).
4. If your account is operating in any other currency than EURO you will receive an equivalent amount in your own currency. Any bonus/prize amount offered will be calculated using our current currency multiplier table.
5. Welcome Sports Bonus can only be used on Sportsbook. Casino and Live Casino are excluded from this promotion.
6. It is not permitted to users to transfer funds (account balance, bonus, or winning generated by the bonus) to any other [URL='http://www.24winbet.com/promotions?btag=a3000550%7Cp977%7Cu10043%7Cl0%7Cb0']24winbet [/URL] product (Casino, Live Casino,…, etc.) before carrying out the rollover conditions of this promotion. Otherwise the user will lose the right of the bonus and any other winning generated could be removed from their account.
7. If the user makes a withdrawal before having reached the rollover requirements, bonus and winnings will be void.
8. Before making a withdrawal or funds transfer to any other 24winbet product (Casino, Live Casino, …,etc) you must achieve the following rollover requirements in the Sportsbook:
8.1) Player needs to rollover his first deposit and the bonus at least eight times on odds of 2.0 or higher.
8.2) Simple bets placed containing selections with odds lower than 2.0 will not count towards this rollover requirement.
8.3) Multiple or system bets will not count toward this rollover requirement unless one of the odds of the selections is 2.0 or higher.
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8.6) Bets placed before the bonus confirmation in the balance will not count toward any rollover requirement.
8.7) Only the first bet placed on the same event will count towards this rollover requirement. Any other following bet placed on the same event will not qualify to the rollover requirements.
8.8) If the stake rollover requirement for this bonus has not been met within 20 days of the first qualifying deposit, any winnings and funds held in the bonus balance will be forfeited.
8.9) The maximum bet amount to qualify to the rollover requirement is 50€ (or currency equivalent). If the bet is worth more than 50€ (or currency equivalent), only 50€ will be counted towards the rollover requirement.
9. Note that the Bonus Balance is only played if there is no Cash Balance left. Consequently bets are first deducted from your Cash Balance.
10. This promotion is limited to one per person, family, household address, email address, telephone number, payment account number or shared computer. Players found to be signing up for multiple accounts to redeem this Welcome Sports Bonus will have their accounts closed and any winnings will not be paid out.
1 1. If 24winbet discovers a player, (whether individually or as part of a group) abusing or manipulating the terms of this promotion, they may have their accounts suspended or closed, and their funds will be forfeited.
12. [URL='http://www.24winbet.com/promotions?btag=a3000550%7Cp977%7Cu10043%7Cl0%7Cb0']24winbet [/URL] reserves the right to ask any customers to submit sufficient documentation for our management to be pleased in our absolute discretion to validate their identity.
13. This promotion is intended for recreational players. 24winbet reserves the right to deny or limit player’s participation in all or part of the promotion.
14. This promotion is not eligible to be used in conjunction with any other 24winbet promotion.
15. [URL='http://www.24winbet.com/promotions?btag=a3000550%7Cp977%7Cu10043%7Cl0%7Cb0']24winbet [/URL] reserves the right to cancel this promotion or modify its terms and conditions at any time . It is player’s responsibility to periodically check this page for changes and updates.
16. [URL='http://www.24winbet.com/promotions?btag=a3000550%7Cp977%7Cu10043%7Cl0%7Cb0']24winbet [/URL] management decisions are final and shall not be subject to review or appeal by a participant or any third party.
17. Participation in this promotion will be considered as unconditional acceptance of these Terms and Conditions as well as 24winbet General Terms &amp; Conditions.
KLIKNIJ i zarejestruj się na www.24winbet.com
G 0


Czyli zakłady akumulacyjne na których znajdzie się chociaż jedno zdarzenie o kursie mniejszym niż 2.0 nie będą brane do obrotu.. dobrze zrozumiałem?
S 42


Tak, single po kursie 2.00. Nie wiem tylko, czy jesli zagramy np dubelka 2.00 i 1.50 to zaliczy na obrot. Logiczne wydaje sie, ze tak, ale glowy nie dam. Lipa, ze na poczet obrotu zalicza sie tylko 50 euro za dany zaklad. Co do bukmacherow ze stajni Oddamatrix - nie mialem jeszcze zadnej nieprzyjemnosci. Zawsze blyskawiczna weryfikacja i pieniazki na drugi dzien na MB. Wiec raczej mozna wplacac.
T 2


Czyli zakłady akumulacyjne na których znajdzie się chociaż jedno zdarzenie o kursie mniejszym niż 2.0 nie będą brane do obrotu.. dobrze zrozumiałem?
Multiple or system bets will not count toward this rollover requirement unless one of the odds of the selections is 2.0 or higher.
Wystarczy aby jedna zdarzenie na dublu, triplu lub tasiemcu było po kursie 2.0 lub większym. Nie muszą być wszystkie. Wzmacniacze smaku i kursu dozwolone ;)
S 0


8.1) Player needs to rollover his first deposit and the bonus at least eight times on odds of 2.0 or higher.
wiec na moje to trzeba obrocic depozyt 150e i bonus 150e 8 razy, 300e x 8 = 2400e.
S 42


Sorki, racja nie umiem liczyć, mój błąd ???? Sporo do obrotu w krotkim czasie i jeszcze te 50euro tylko zalicza. Ciezko bedzie rozsadnie pograc.
S 12


przecież nie trzeba brać całego 150 E. można sobie dostosować bonusa do &quot;możliwości&quot;. pytanie jak z wypłacalnością/traktowaniem klienta
S 42


Z wyplata nie sadze, zeby byly problemy, bo to bukmacher nalezacy do grupy Oddsmatrix, a nie mialem z innymi bukami z tej stajni nieprzyjemnosci, jak juz wspomnialem wyzej. Standardowo dowod i rachunek i wyplata na MB bardzo szybko.
K 0


Sam sobie odpowiem na powyzsze moje pytanie ???? (moze komus sie przyda)
zaluje ze wplacilem tam siano (do jakiejkolwiek wyplaty daleko) ale juz mozna niezbyt ciekawe wnioski wyciagac, godziny wieczorne gdzie jest spory ruch ciezko sie w ogole zalogowac, o postawieniu meczu na live mozna zapomniec.
Dodajac ze jesli na dany mecz damy 50E to juz go nie puscisz w zadnej innej kombinacji.
Ogolnie po kilku dniowej grze moge juz stwierdzic to polecam go jedynie osobom ktorym sie uda tego surebeta wlasnie nie trafic na 24winbet i szybko zakoncza kariere na tym buku ????
unique- 32


Te problemy z logowaniem może są spowodowane jakimiś zmianami na serwerze? Ja mam zamiar wpłacić $ tylko dla bonusu i wio stamtąd. Ciężko tam o surebeta?
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