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Sega Casino | 10 e | ND | Playtech

telprzem 136


Robimy konto, wbijamy na lc piszemy ze chcemy 10 free, typ mowi ze ok ale musicie odp na ankiete, odp na ankiete, baba dzwoni, odp na jej pytania tzn. full name date of birth itd i typ dodaje darmowa kaske, obrót x20.
Podobno max oczekiwanie na hajs po wypłacie na konto 24h.
L 0


Bonus dostajemy po odpowiedzeniu na ankiete, ale żeby go wypłacić musimy go obrócić 20 razy później wpłacić depozyt minimum 20 a następnie depozyt plus bonus znowu obrócić 20 razy jak napisał ktoś wyżej.
nales 2


Ok, gadałem z typem na lc i rzeczywiście można zablokować bonus od depozytu i nie będzie trzerba robić żadnego obrotu dodatkowe tylko od razu można wypłacać, ale dla własnej pewności niech każdy się jeszcze o to dopyta ???? Powodzenia!
nas 78


Po wypełnieniu ankiety i odbytej rozmowie telefonicznej z bardzo miła Pania z supportu dostałem 10 E
K 0


mam 510 eur, po rozmowie na chacie stwierdziłem że z tego nie da się nic wypłacić, na pytanie to po jaką ciasną dziurkę jest on dawany dostawałem odpowiedzi że po to aby sprawdzić kasyno i ich stronę, dla mnie śmiech na sali. po pytaniu czy jest to fun money inaczej, dostałem odpowiedz &quot;Yes&quot;. Czyzby kasyno pomyłka czy dlatego że z 10 euro zrobione mam 510 ?
PS. cały czas rozmawiam z Bobym
arbiter_erhan 136


Ja tez ciagle gadam z Bobbym, czekam na telefon juz z 20 minut - ale niedobrze jesli tak jest bo t&amp;c ktore wyslal to w takim razie sciema.

Qualified player successfully completes the Survey.

2. For qualified player who has made a deposit at least €20, player will get REDEEMABLE €10 instant bonus.

3. For qualified player who did not make any deposit, player will get NON-REDEEMABLE €10 instant bonus for wagering purposes only. This bonus can be redeemed by making a First Deposit of at least €20, and meeting the 20 times deposit + bonus wagering requirement thereafter.

4. Player must wager at least 20 times their deposit plus bonus before making any withdrawal.

5. All wagers in all versions of Blackjack, Baccarat, Darts, Heads or Tails, Video Poker, Pontoon, Craps, Roulette, 3-Card Poker, Casino War, Pai Gow and Casino Hold Em do not count into the wagering requirement.

Bobby: 6. If you withdraw before having reached the minimum wagering requirements, your bonus and winnings will be forfeited.

7. SEGAGames reserves the right to amend, cancel or reclaim any bonus at any time.

8. SEGAGames reserves the right to request sufficient proof of a players’ identity at any time. Such evidence must prove a players’ personal information, payment details and any other additional information that may be required to pass relevant security checks.

9. Once there has been play on an account where a bonus has been credited, that bonus and all terms and conditions are deemed accepted by the player.

10. If you do not agree to any of these terms you can request that your account be set to “No Bonuses” by contacting our 24 hour Customer Support team.

11. SEGAGames reserves the right to change or end this promotion at any time.

12. The decision of SEGAGames management is final and binding in all cases.
D 154


wcaale nie sciema bo mi tak samo wysłał tak samo potem była ankieta, telefon i 10E jest na koncie ????
tyle że jak dla mnie te kasyna playtechu choć ładnie wyglądają, mają niezłe gierki pod względem wizualnym to jednak słabo placą, jeszcze nigdy nie udało mi się tam ugrać coś ponad bonus, że o wypłacie nie wspomnę... ????
arbiter_erhan 136


Nie no, ja tez dostalem 10 euro i tez przegralem ???? a sciema to mi chodzilo o regulamin , bo mu napisali ze play-money - no ale kto to wie jak jest naprawde - mnie to juz niestety nie interesuje ????
D 154


40e po rejestracji i wysłaniu maila na adres [email protected] w tytule podając &quot;NO DEPOSIT BONUS REDEEM&quot; , ja nie skorzystam bo już konto tam mam ale jak komuś sie uda to niech się pochwali no i rejestujcie się z tych linków bo to jest warunek dostania bonusa! można też obyć się bez wysyłania maila powołać sie na ten sam kod na live chat
aha i jeszcze obrót x30
L 209


Potwierdzam. Zgłosiłem sie na LC z kodem, wypisal mi warunki , musialem napisac ze sie zgadzam i kasa jest.

obrot 30x
max wyplata 200euro
depozyt przed wyplata 30euro
zapewne skany dowodu

Tutaj warunki :

Gavin: 1. Only new players who successfully register a new real account in SEGA Games will be eligible for €/£40 NO DEPOSIT INSTANT BONUS.

Gavin: 2. In order to redeem this offer, please contact our support group by sending an email with the title &quot;NO DEPOSIT BONUS REDEEM&quot; through the email address used to register the account to [email protected] or by contacting Live Support by clicking on the &quot;Live Online Support&quot; link.

Gavin: 3. Once players&#39; details was successfully verified via phone call, €/£40 NO DEPOSIT INSTANT BONUS will be credited.

Gavin: 4. In the interest of fair gaming, to cash out any amount you must wager at least thirty (30) times your bonus.

Gavin: 5. In order to cash out any winnings from the bonus amount, a €/£30 successful deposit should be made.

Gavin: 6. Please note that winnings from a NO DEPOSIT BONUS, maximum amount allowed for withdrawal is €/£200. This is only one time withdrawal up to the maximum allowed withdrawable amount. All excess winning amounts will be deleted from the players account.

Gavin: 7. No Deposit Bonus is for wagering purposes only and will be removed from the players&#39; accounts after a successful withdrawal.

Gavin: 8. If you withdraw before having reached the minimum wagering requirements, your bonus and winnings will be forfeited.

Gavin: 9. Promotion offer runs until April 30, 2010. New registered player beyond this date will not be eligible for this offer.

Gavin: 10. This bonus may not be combined with other bonuses unless otherwise stated.

Gavin: 11. SEGA Games reserves the right to change or end this promotion at any time.

Gavin: 12. General Bonus Terms and Conditions Apply.
gunner84 0


1. Qualified player successfully completes the Survey.
2. For qualified player who has made a deposit at least €20, player will get REDEEMABLE €40 instant bonus.
3. For qualified player who did not make any deposit, player will get NON-REDEEMABLE €40 instant bonus for wagering purposes only. This bonus can be redeemed by making a First Deposit of at least €20, and meeting the 20 times deposit + bonus wagering requirement thereafter.
4. Player must wager at least 20 times their deposit plus bonus before making any withdrawal.
5. All wagers in all versions of Blackjack, Baccarat, Darts, Heads or Tails, Video Poker, Pontoon, Craps, Roulette, 3-Card Poker, Casino War, Pai Gow and Casino Hold Em do not count into the wagering requirement.

Bobby: 6. If you withdraw before having reached the minimum wagering requirements, your bonus and winnings will be forfeited.
7. SEGAGames reserves the right to amend, cancel or reclaim any bonus at any time.
8. SEGAGames reserves the right to request sufficient proof of a players’ identity at any time. Such evidence must prove a players’ personal information, payment details and any other additional information that may be required to pass relevant security checks.
9. Once there has been play on an account where a bonus has been credited, that bonus and all terms and conditions are deemed accepted by the player.
10. If you do not agree to any of these terms you can request that your account be set to “No Bonuses” by contacting our 24 hour Customer Support team.
11. SEGAGames reserves the right to change or end this promotion at any time.
12. The decision of SEGAGames management is final and binding in all cases.
Do you agree with the Terms and Conditions?
Ja już dzisiaj dostałem &quot;trochę inne warunki&quot;

edit:na stronie są warunki te co podał lukbor i one obowiązują. Zagadałem na livechacie i okazało się, że nastąpiła pomyłka i koleś z livechatu po prostu podał mi złe t&amp;c.
pawel16ma 0


Hmm... dziwne, ja przed chwilą dostałem te warunki, że trzeba bez depozytu, a rejestrowałem się z banera z innego forum. Teraz czekam na telefon. Jeszcze pytanie. Telefonicznie na jakie pytania musieliście odpowiadać? Trzeba było tylko potwierdzić swoje dane?
kondor 28


Ja tak samo przed chwilęczą dostałem stare warunki.

1. Only new players who successfully register a new real account in SEGA Games will be eligible for €/£40 NO DEPOSIT INSTANT BONUS.

2. In order to redeem this offer, please contact our support group by sending an email with the title &quot;NO DEPOSIT BONUS REDEEM&quot; through the email address used to register the account to [email protected] or by contacting Live Support by clicking on the &quot;Live Online Support&quot; link.

3. Once players&#39; details was successfully verified via phone call, €/£40 NO DEPOSIT INSTANT BONUS will be credited.

4. In the interest of fair gaming, to cash out any amount you must wager at least thirty (30) times your bonus.

5. In order to cash out any winnings from the bonus amount, a €/£30 successful deposit should be made.
Mirka: 6. Please note that winnings from a NO DEPOSIT BONUS, maximum amount allowed for withdrawal is €/£200. This is only one time withdrawal up to the maximum allowed withdrawable amount. All excess winning amounts will be deleted from the players account.

7. No Deposit Bonus is for wagering purposes only and will be removed from the players&#39; accounts after a successful withdrawal.

8. If you withdraw before having reached the minimum wagering requirements, your bonus and winnings will be forfeited.

9. Promotion offer runs until April 30, 2010. New registered player beyond this date will not be eligible for this offer.

10. This bonus may not be combined with other bonuses unless otherwise stated.

11. SEGA Games reserves the right to change or end this promotion at any time.

a więc sam nie wiem co oni tworza.
pawel16ma 0


jeszcze tak na marginesie informacja. Jeżeli twój angielski jest jeszcze niedopracowany lub boisz się odebrać ???? to zamiast połączenia telefonicznego do weryfikacji, można wysłać skany dowodu osobistego i rachunku na twoje dane na adres [email protected]
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